
At the Global Investigative Journalism Network, we know that wanting to do great journalism is not enough. Our colleagues face challenges from every direction: a lack of training and tools, scarce resources, tough finances, legal harassment, cyber attacks, physical threats, and more. For independent, watchdog media to survive, journalists need a 21st Century skill set that prepares their organizations to withstand the kind of pressure and attacks likely to come their way. 

In response, we have formed GIJN Advisory Services, integrating our popular Help Desk with powerful new assessment tools and consulting to help watchdog media worldwide build capacity. GIJN is marshalling its global network of experts, trainers, donors, and others to strengthen not only investigative and data journalism, but also legal support, safety and security, management and sustainability. 

GIJN’s core mission is to spread, strengthen, and support in-depth, watchdog journalism worldwide. It serves as the international hub for investigative reporters, linking together the world’s most enterprising, most determined journalists. It has more than 200 member organizations in over 80 countries, and works with the broader global community of beat reporters, filmmakers, authors, citizen journalists, NGO staff and others using investigative tools to expose abuses of power and tell powerful truths. GIJN functions, in effect, as the network of networks for journalists working for accountability and transparency.